Hello :)

I’m Werner Morath. After working for more than fifteen years under Loadingdock5 Architecture PLLC, I decided to set up a new studio and founded Blurred Architecture PLLC in 2022. Moving forward I am committed to lower the carbon footprint of the built environment, which unfortunately contributes up to 60% of carbon emissions in NYC.  It’s time again to change the way we build! I studied architecture at the Technical University in Vienna, Austria, graduating in 1997. Being awarded the Erasmus Scholarship allowed me to study a year at the  l'Ecole d'Architecture de Paris in France. Additionally I have received the Tische Grant in 1997 an award for excellence in design by the Austrian Ministry of Culture.

I have been a registered architect in New York State since 2002 and I am a certified Passive House Designer.

Make a difference with your project …

Blurred Architecture PLLC is a Brooklyn based architectural design studio with focus on sustainable buildings.

  • Specifying natural clean materials. Avoid plastics, toxic paints, glues and other chemical artificial materials that make us sick and pollute our environment.

  • Reducing the embodied carbon in newly built structures by selecting materials with a negative or low embodied CO2. Read more by Bill Caplan: “Thwart Climate Change Now: Reducing Embodied Carbon Brick by Brick”

  • Reducing emissions by designing energy efficient structures according to the passive house standard. A well insulated and air-tight structure will provide value and save energy cost for a long time.

  • Creating healthy indoor environments with sufficient fresh air and plenty of natural light

  • Following proportions of the human scale.

  • Designing functional layouts that make sense and work for you.

    For more information on Passive House please see https://passivehouse.com

    Please check out the free EC3 tool from Carbon Leadership Forum. https://carbonleadershipforum.org/ec3-tool/